About My Programmes

What are the timeframes?
This varies from person to person. Factors such as where you are in your career, your business experience, starting point, goals, and work ethic all play a part in determining how long it will take. It can take as little as 3 months, or as many as 24 months to achieve the results you’re looking for.
Where do I start?
This is the precise reason why you are reading my website and this page; we will do a fact find and go through your story to date. It is better in life to try and fail than never have the courage to try at all. Everyone has failed at some point, it is how you deal with failure and how you bounce back from it, which counts and what separates those who become successful in their lives.
When everything is going well, it is easy right, we all can do that. It is instead how we deal with crisis, failure, stagnation, and disillusionment. The way we turn this all round successfully, which is what I give to me clients that resilience, turning negatives into positives and what are we going to do about it with positive
actions, which will yield results.
I don’t know what I want, or what I am looking for?
It is again all about doing a deep dive, I will be able to recognise your talents, your enthusiasm around areas and what will be right match, as an international head-hunter, I have been doing this with people for over 23 years.
You need to again embrace the concept of trying and going for things, do not be afraid of failure, through trying things, you will find your vocations and your passions.
Why accountability coaching not counselling?
Accountability Coaching is more focused on helping you achieve your future goals, dealing with the here and now, installing confidence, belief and holding you to account in the programmes that we create together. While counselling tends to have more of a past and present focus.
A counsellor is more on healing from the past, guided by theories, while the focus in accountability coaching is more on getting you to where you wish to be next.
My accountability coaching is action orientated; counselling is coping orientated. I work with my clients to get them to focus, makes strives forwards, in achieving your goals, via actions and targets. I make my clients think, I challenge my clients, for me it is all about realising your full potential and how we are going to do this
I am passionate about my clients, I believe in my clients 100%, even when you do not believe in yourself. When my clients work with me, the only caveat I have is to give 100% to the process, without that everything else does not matter.
Can we work remotely?
Yes we can, however remotely can only go so far, the F2F side of things and what comes out of that, cannot be replicated remotely fully.
Therefore, we can have video calls, texts, I am here for my clients fully regardless, there is no stop watch within reason, once we work out programme together then we can establish our patters of collaborating.